Friday, March 21, 2014

Every Day Life

After all that excitement of being chased by my brother, life calmed down and I got used to the daily routine at my new home, Corner House Farm and my new family. 

I would go out to the field with Lucas every evening and eat the lovely grass and get to play around.  I would meet people walking down the lane next to our field and watch cars and trucks go by.  There is a stream that runs through my field hidden in the woods, so it is cool when it is hot.  I love to run in the stream and splash around, it is so much fun.

In the mornings Lucas gets his breakfast and I get to walk on the road back to the barn.  I am getting braver and braver with all the things on the sides of the road and even the different colours of the road surface.  My human mom is very pleased with me when I follow her without stopping, but occasionally I stop suddenly and almost pull her over backwards.  She doesn’t shout at me, but talks to me quietly to encourage me to walk on.

I spend the day in the barn, where I have a good long snooze, having been out all night.  I love to lie down on my nice deep bed.  The other horses are able to come into the barn and we talk over the wall to each other. I am getting to know them, Handsome, Wally, Prissy and Blackie.  I wonder if I will go out in their field in the future?

Each day my human mom comes and brushes me and makes me pick up my feet so she can clean them out.  That is hard, standing on three feet instead of four!  Sometimes I stretch round and try to bite her when she is bending over.  I get into trouble when I do that.

We do leading exercises in the big field some days.  I get to explore the field and the arena and round pen.  One day I will be ridden in all these places, but for now I get led around.  There is a shed with open ends where the tractor sits and I had to be brave when my mom led me through there.  It is a small space and not very tall.  She says it is all to do with trust and I must trust her that she will not hurt me or allows anything else to hurt me.  

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