Friday, May 23, 2014

Changes again!

Things change all the time here.

My mom teaches people to ride and needed another horse for better riders to ride on, so a new horse came to the barn.  His name is Babble and is a Thoroughbred like Handsome, but not as big.  He is older too.  As I said before, new horses dont go out in the field with us straight away because of You Know Who having a problem!!  So Babble went out into the other field.  Luckily my brother Aviator was here at the same time, so they went out together and they get on ok.  Every one is happy.

A few months later I went on an adventure.  It seems people think I am special - not surprising to me of course!!  I was to be 'inspected' what ever that means.  I got a bath, (not keen on those at all), and had my mane plaited into little balls on my neck. Then I was asked to go in the trailer.  I eventually did as I was told, but discovered I was all on my own in there when the doors closed.  I was a little worried about this, but then the trailer started moving and I had to concentrate on standing still as it moved.

Me and my Mom ready to go 

It was a long time until the trailer stopped and my mom came to look in on me, and then off we went again.  I have no idea about time, but 6 hours was mentioned.  When we finally stopped I could smell horses and bedding and food.  I looked out of the door, when my mom opened it, to see a very big barn and lots of horses walking around.  I was both excited and scared at the same time.  Where was I?  Was this my new home?  Why was I here?  Eventually the trailer ramp was taken down and I got to get out.  I was on my tippy toes looking at everything.  I called out to see if anyone I knew happened to be there.  All I heard was strangers.  I was a little worried about that.

My mom led me into a stall, gave me hay and water and then went away for a little while.  My stall was near the door so I was able to watch as lots of other horses arrived in trailers and were put in stalls around me.  It was a busy place.  There were lots of horses which were covered in black or brown spots and ones with spots only on their bottoms and a few coloured like me.  I was all very interesting.

Dont I look grown up? 

My mom came back and took me to a big field, so I could run around and eat some grass.  It was great to breathe fresh air and be able to move freely.  Although I wasnt out there too long, it was great to get to stretch my legs.  Being in a trailer for 6 hours and then straight into a stall is not what I am used to.

My mom led me around the farm and into this big open barn with nothing inside it.  This is called an indoor arena.  It means you can ride what ever the weather.  Mmmm, I think my mom might like one of those! By this time I was getting very tired and things were quiet around the barn.  After I had my dinner I decided it was time to go to sleep for the night. 

I wonder if I will find out tomorrow why I am here?

Saturday, May 10, 2014

New Field

My friend Lucas decided he wanted to go to another farm and meet new horses, so I had no one to go out in my field and play with me.  So my mom decided it was time for me to go in the big field with all the other horses at the farm.

This would be ok, but Handsome doesnt like new horses in his field.  He is fine with me being in the next stall to him in the barn, but being in the same field is another matter.  I have been told that he has chased at least three horses out of the field so far and knocked a hole in the barn wall when he tried to chase another one! If you dont believe me here is photographic evidence!

Mom had to have the barn rebuilt after this. He made a real mess of the wall and his leg, 30 stitches!!  His leg is ok now.

I was a little worried about going out in the field, but mom put me out with one horse at a time so we could meet.  First it was Blackie.  He is a Shetland pony and very small.  He just likes to be left alone and after sniffing me walked off to eat grass.

Then mom let Wally out with me.  He is a very clever old horse and I think I can learn a lot from him.  He is a Quarter Horse.  (He was the one Handsome was trying to chase when he fell through the barn wall!) Wally was ok with me.  He made faces at me, but didnt do anything else.  I think I will do as he tells me.

The next horse to be let out into the big field with me was Prissy, she is a Mustang.  She is the only girl at the farm and can be very bossy.  The other boys are scared of her, but I am not!!  She tried to boss me, but I didnt let her.  I think I am the only one she is scared of.

The last one out with me was Handsome, a Thoroughbred.  I wasnt looking forward to this at all, but mom had given him some sort of medicine to help calm him down and this seemed to work.  He did try to chase me, but his head was a bit cloudy and he found it easier to eat grass and make ugly faces at me instead.  After a few days like this he decided it was easier to accept me into the field.  I was glad of this because he is bigger than me.

So, after a week or so everything was quiet in the field.  Handsome has to be first into the barn followed by Wally, Prissy, Blackie and then me.  We settled down into a routine and that made mom happy. :)

Saturday, May 3, 2014

She is at it again!!

My mom is at it again.  She keeps putting things on me!!

I told you about the pad and bridle she put on me last time.  Well, this time she put things on my legs!!  I am telling you this was way beyond what I could deal with.  Things on my legs.  I tried to shake them off, but I have to use at least three legs on the ground to be able to stand, so that was difficult.  I tried all sorts of contortions to shake all four legs at one time, which proved to be impossible, I can tell you.  (I wonder why my mom was laughing at me?)  I tried brushing them off against the wall of my stall, but the bits of my legs not covered by these things hurt, so I gave up on that idea.  I then tried my teeth.  Unfortunately my teeth are tiny as they are baby teeth, so they didnt prove helpful at all.  I even tried walking them off, but I failed there too.  Eventually I gave up and went back to eating my hay.  Then, of all things, my mom came into my stall and took those blasted things off.  I discovered they were called boots with sticky bits that hold them on. Well, we will see if I allow her to put them on again!

I thought I was free and clear after the trouble with the boots, but it wasnt to be.  On another day she came at me again with something that looked like a saddle pad, but was bigger. This was called a saddle.  It was heavier and harder on my back and had dangly things on each side.  If I moved they hit my sides - so I didnt move!! The belly strap wasnt as soft either and was done up tighter than the saddle pad.  Just standing still made things easier, so thats what I did.  But eventually I got bored and moved over to my hay and started eating.  When I am eating things dont seem so bad.  I got used to the saddle and the stirrups hanging down by my sides.  Of course getting treats from my mom helped too!

My mom forgot to take a photo of me wearing the saddle or the boots, so here is just one of me being handsome.